The Pin Oak of happiness

This story begins several months ago with a visit to Bluebell Arboretum.  This visit was organised by the garden group I belong to, the Leicestershire and Rutland Gardens Trust  I have visited the arboretum before but the chance to wander around with friends and drink tea is not something I let pass by if I can help it. We arrived a little early for the tour so there was time to wander around the nursery.  My eyes fell upon the Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) and I bought it, there and then, no hesitation - I wanted that tree.  I managed to fit it into my car and home it came.
I then worried about it as it was the wrong time of year to buy a tree, I knew that.  I knew that keeping it alive in a pot over the summer was going to be a challenge.  After a moment of thought I planted it into the vegetable beds.  It's forever home was going to be in the driveway, I knew exactly where it was going but that was not properly cleared at that point, I had been a little premature.
The weeks passed, I kept the tree watered and it thrived.
It has rewarded me with wonderful leaf colour,
It has pleased me all year and now it has become dormant it has been planted into the driveway.  Next year I expect great things and even more love for this tree.  (no pressure then).


  1. That Pin Oak is really a beautiful one, love the form of the leaves and the autumn colours. Glad to hear it survived and thrived on the temporary spot. You will have a wonderful tree in your driveway.


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